ARENHA stands for “Advanced materials and Reactors for ENergy storage tHrough Ammonia”.

It is an EU H2020 funded research project with global impact seeking to develop, integrate and demonstrate key material solutions enabling the use of ammonia for flexible, safe and profitable storage and utilization of energy.

The ARENHA consortium provides breakthrough technologies for the power-to-ammonia-to-usage value chain. Ammonia is an excellent energy carrier due to its high energy density, carbon-free composition, industrial know-how and relative ease of storage. ARENHA will demonstrate the feasibility of ammonia as a dispatchable form of large-scale energy storage, enabling the integration of renewable electricity in Europe and creating global green energy corridors for Europe energy import diversification.


ARENHA Final Workshop

We are pleased to invite you to the Final Workshop of the ARENHA Project. This special dissemination workshop will present the latest results we have obtained in the frame of the project covering the whole power-to-ammonia-to-applications. The workshop will be held at...

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Doctoral degree awarded

A few weeks ago, on May 24th, Valentina Cechetto was awarded a doctoral degree at the Technical University of Eindhoven. Her thesis, titled ‘Ultra-pure Hydrogen Production via Ammonia Decomposition in Packed Bed Membrane Reactors,’ was carried out within the framework...

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ARENHA M48 Consortium Meeting

The ARENHA project M48 consortium meeting has been held last April 15th, 2024. The meeting was hosted by H2SITE in Bilbao (Spain)). The status and progress of the project was discussed addressing, mainly, the status and progress of the different prototypes that are...

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